Thursday, December 8, 2011

Creating Anew

It has been a year I won't forget. As the Holidays swing into high gear and I think of the year that has been and the year ahead, I have been most touched by the kindness and compassion of others. Living in a very complex, complicated world sometimes I wonder if practicing kindness could simplify things a lot. During this Holiday Season may you find joy and love in those around you.....and of course time to paint and be creative!
If a new year's resolution includes setting aside creative time
new classes start:
 January 10th and 12th  - Tuesday and Thursday evenings
optional materials fee $20.00
phone 416-699-8609 to register

For those who prefer one day Saturday workshops there are two in January
Saturday January 14th
10 am -2:30 pm
Fee $60.00
Saturday January28th
check under classes on blog for more information

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Art and Healing

I haven't written in a while. The end of Summer when I had hoped to post another blog about classes or whatever became in an instant shattered by tragedy. A car accident took my two beautiful grandchildren and my world stopped. Days passed and I became aware inspite of my grief and pain that the world was still spinning and I had to find a way to move forward. I will be forever grateful for the love and support of friends and community. My soul felt empty and I did not know if I could teach again or paint or if anything would hold meaning again. One day I picked up a brush again. The water flowed, the colours ran, time disapeared and for a short time I felt whole again. I can't say the end product was worth saving but I felt nurtured and knew that this is where ART becomes not about product but about the process and this is why I love it so much.

"Curving back into myself I create again and again" Vedic scriptures
Another hat I wear is that of expressive arts therapist. I get the question all the time "what is it"? There might be many answers to this question but allowing time and space for the soul's expression and healing would be one. For myself I knew that I couldn't fix anything or change what had happened but being fully present to my loss and creating anew in the face of it felt healing and a step forward.
I started Fall classes and they feel good. The Beach Studio Tour is October 21'st , 22, 23rd.
For more information go to . I would love to see you during the weekend.
A new series of classes will start November 8th and 10th. Please phone 416-699-8609 to reserve a spot or if you have questions. My students are great and the classes are fun.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The art of paradox

As an artist new to the art of blogging my fear comes up as well as the question what can I write about that has any relevance at all. My angst is around embracing the new technology. Do I need to tweet, blog and join facebook in order for my art to become more relevant? I resist the idea. I don't want to become a slave of techology controlled by all the latest. As I sit with my questions I think I can find perhaps a balance where I am in control. My intent will be to blog as a way to expand my horizons, connect with others and share information and creative endeavors. That sounds sane.

Someone said to write about what is close to my heart. Art is at the heart of all that I do so that is all I can really write about. I love the quote by Rumi "Let the beauty we love be what we do". I love the creative process and seeing it unfold in my life and those around me. It's serious to me but I know it disappears if I get heavy so I try to keep it fun. It expands in a sense of play but shrivels to dust when laden with dogma, rules and how-tos. Yet that is what is expected. I could write a "how-to" let go and have fun with art. Maybe it's all fine and all relevant.

August could be more fun. I'm offering a one week painting seminar august 15th-19th . This will be art camp for grown-ups. It's Monday -Friday 9:30am-12:30pm. It's $175.00 for the week but if you can only come for part of the week we can discuss it. Saturday , August 27th is a oneday workshop along the same idea of fun.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Staying Creative through the Summer

The weather is inspiring and trying plein-air painting is a great way to get outdoors. There are ways to make it easy...

Have a bag packed and ready to go at all times. First of all it must be light and easy to carry. Keep it simple. the more cumbersome and awkward it is the more reason there will be to leave it behind. A few brushes, a small palette, small coraplast boards and paper, a water bottle and container for water and you're ready. It's also nice to have a small sketchbook and pencil or pen. You're ready for wherever you find inspiration. There are always park benches but sometimes they're not to be found. Having a light portable camp chair in your car is a great way to go.

Another way to help you stay creative of course is to take a class or two to update your skills or learn a few new techniques.